Learning Lift Off
Take off to a learning journey at Douglass Valley Elementary. Kids grow into critical thinkers who care in a place where community is greater than campus. Children work individually and in teams as they develop literacy, skills and knowledge, while building character and compassion that last a lifetime.
Always Adapting
Change is the constant at Douglass Valley Elementary. Teachers and staff maintain exceptional adaptability so that students soar regardless of their level or length of stay. Coursework is flexible to meet student needs, and educators rise to every occasion to support success.
Beyond the Books
Numerous points of pride bring together students, families and the community. Veterans Day activities, Junior Achievement, spirit days and USAFA field trips are some of the extensions of in-school learning. Children also connect with Air Academy High students and participate in mentorships with USAFA Cadets.
Positive Progress
At Douglass Valley, kids learn social, emotional and life skills using their PAWS: Participate responsibly, Act kindly, Work hard and Show respect. Behaviors and relationships developed on campus carry added value as they extend to the home and community.